Please note that this article refers to functions or features that may no longer be active, or only apply to older, non-responsive themes. As such, instructions listed below might no longer be applicable. Please feel free to search the rest of the MRP KnowledgeBase for updated solutions, or contact our support team for assistance.

This video player requires some knowledge of javascript and if used incorrectly, this can potentially ruin your website. If this happens please delete the code you have added.

Please note that this procedure also involves open source code. You can download the open source code here.

Once downloaded, click here to learn how to upload the two files ytv.css & ytv.js to your webdrive.

Place the following code in the <head> section of the page you are adding the player to. Click here to learn how.

<link href="_media/ytv.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="_media/ytv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Place the following code in the </body> section of the page you are adding the player to, but place it in the </body> text box found in the Advanced Settings section.

element: null,
user: "YOUTUBE-USERNAME", //Modify this username to display videos
playlist: '',
fullscreen: false,
accent: '#fff',
controls: true,
annotations: false,
autoplay: false,
chainVideos: true,
browsePlaylists: false,
wmode: 'opaque',
events: {
videoReady: function(){},
stateChange: function(){}

Next, in order to display your new video player, paste the following code in a HTML weblet. Click here to learn how.

<div id="frame"></div>

(Original code from: