We would like to inform you that server-based website statistics will be discontinued by July 1, 2019. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

In a nutshell, this product has become far outdated to measure up to industry standards such as those established by Google Analytics and other similar free, commercial offerings. 

It has also become a serious security risk as our server statistics product has been based on an open source project that is no longer maintained, and as such cannot keep up with new technologies and security features. 

However, we highly recommend that you try out Google Analytics, a free Google product that easily integrates with the myRealPage platform. You can add your Google Analytics ID in a few easy steps, and you can also use the same Analytics ID to track multiple domains. Here are some links to help you get started:

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Contact myRealPage Support, and we will be happy to assist you!

A. Unique Visitor:

  • A unique visitor is a host that has made at least 1 hit on 1 page of your web site during the current period shown by the report. If this host make several visits during this period, it is counted only once then the other visits are found under the visits section.

B. Number Of Visits:

  • Number of visits made by all visitors. Think "session" here, say a unique IP accesses a page, and then requests three others, all of the "pages" are included in the visit, therefore you should expect multiple pages per visit and multiple visits per unique visitor.

C. Pages:

  • The number of "pages" logged. Usually pages are reserved for HTML files or CGI files, not images nor other files requested as a result of loading a "Page" (such as javascript or css files).

D. Hits:

  • Any files requested from the server (including files that are "Pages").

E. Bandwidth:

  • Total number of bytes for pages, images and files downloaded by web browsing. Each time a page is loaded, it loads scripts, images and other files which all have an individual file size. Once the page is loaded, that total number of bytes for all the files, images and scripts is added and counted towards your bandwidth.

F. Hosts:

  • Lists the IP addresses of the users to your site, including page views, hits, bandwidth & last visit

G. Visits Duration:

  • The time a visitor spent on your site for each visit. Some Visits durations are 'unknown' because they can't always be calculated. This is the major reason for this:
    • Visit was not finished when 'update' occurred.
    • Visit started the last hour (after 23:00) of the last day of a month.

H. File Type:

  • The file types loaded by visitors. Great resource to find out where your bandwidth usage is being drawn from.

I. Entry:

  • First page viewed by a visitor during its visit. Note: When a visit started at end of month to end at beginning of next month, you might have an Entry page for the month report and no Exit pages.

J. Exit:

  • Last page viewed by a visitor during its visit. Note: When a visit started at end of month to end at beginning of next month, you might have an Entry page for the month report and no Exit pages. That's why Entry pages can be different than Exit pages.

K. Operating System:

  • Displays the different operating systems used to view your website. Shows The number of page hits as well as a percentage that the specific browser takes up compared to the other operating systems.

L. Browsers:

  • Displays the different web browsers used to view your website. Shows The number of page hits as well as a percentage that the specific browser takes up compared to the other browsers.

M. Connect to site from:

  • Displays the search engine or web pages that the user used to gain access to your website.

N. Search Keyphrases:

  • Displays the phrases users used to search for your site in search engines.

O. Search Keywords:

  • Displays the single keywords users used to search for your site in search engines.